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温馨提示 该会员为普通会员,如需求购请联系VIP商家
r 公司简介 r
rr 深圳市恒创盛电子技术有限公司是一家专业研发、生产、制造、销售一体的流体设备、自动化机械臂以及非标自动化设备的制造商,公司本着”致力于领先技术及热情服务,给客户提供优质的服务”为使命;不断扩大技术队伍,提高员工技术能力为基础,公司立足于创新,根据市场的需求不断提升产品结构性能,形成自己特色产品;公司可以根据客户的需求,提供自动化整套解决方案。 r
rr Shenzhen heng chong sheng electronic technology co., LTD is a professional research, development, production, manufacture and sales of fluid equipment, automated mechanical arm, and non-standard automation equipment manufacturers, the company spirit of "committed to leading technology and enthusiastic service, for customers to provide high quality service" for the mission; Expanding technical team and improve the ability of staff technology as the foundation, the company based on innovation, according to the demand of the market continuously improve product performance, structure formed their special products; Company can according to customer demand, the set automation solutions.
r r
r 本公司主营:自动焊锡机、自动螺丝机、点胶机械臂、UV固化机以及非标设备。 r
rr The company's main: automatic soldering machine, automatic screw machine, dispensing manipulator, UV curing machine and non-standard equipment.
r r
r 我们的主旨是:客户至上 专注专业 务实 诚信共赢。
r Our purpose is: customer first focused on professional pragmatic integrity win-win. r
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r 圆形点胶机 r
rr Circular dispensing machine r
r r r rr 【产品概述 Product overview】 r
rr ◆适用于控胶精准的大口径圆形轨迹产品使用
r Suitable for large diameter circular track product used in precision control glue
r The manual setting to set the parameters of the glue amount, time, a motor, a speed, convenient operation, original gas dynamic components, ensure control stabilized glue ◆应用三轴微调节机构,调节方便,稳定性好,并可完成两个工作同时点毅然(两路输出),并送至指定位置 r
r Application of triaxial fine-tuning section institutions, convenient adjustment, good stability, and can complete two jobs at the same time point (two way output), resolutely and sent to the specified location
r Application of the optical components, lamps, speakers, digital cameras and other electronic components round. r
r 【技术参数 Parameters】
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r 【设备配件 Equipment accessories】 r
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r 【售后服务 After-sales service】 r
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rr ◆我司的产品均采用专业物流配送,让您尽快看到称心的产品; r
rr Our products are used by professional logistics and distribution, let you see satisfactory products as soon as possible;r
rr ◆我司销售人员及售后人员定期参加培训,为您提供专业的售后服务; r
rr Our sales staff and customer service staff regularly participate in the training, to provide professional customer service service for you;r
rr ◆我们保证在您付款后最短时间内将产品发出; r
rr We guarantee that your payment within the shortest time sent products;r
rr ◆如果您收到产品型号有误或者机型不对,请及时联系相关人员,我们将尽快为您妥善处 理; r
rr If you receive the error or wrong type of products, please contact the relevant personnel,we will properly handle your order as soon as possible;r
rr ◆ 当您购买我公司的相关设备后,我司不定期进行跟踪服务。r
rr when you buy our equipment, ourregular tracking service;r
r 【联系方式 Contact information】 r
rr r r 统一咨询电话: Tel: 0755-6150 3398 r r 技术支持 :Tel:178 7582 3191 王生r
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rr r
rr 我们的宗旨是:我们的主旨是:客户至上 专注专业 务实 诚信共赢。
rOur purpose is: customer first focused on professional pragmatic integrity win-win. r
r r
本网页所展示的有关【东莞,深圳圆形点胶机厂家直销 节能灯点胶机 DC-1点胶机 LED球泡点胶】的信息/图片/参数等由的会员【深圳市恒创盛电子技术有限公司】提供,由福步贸易网会员【深圳市恒创盛电子技术有限公司 】自行对信息/图片/参数等的真实性、准确性和合法性负责,本平台(本网站)仅提供展示服务,请谨慎交易,因交易而产生的法律关系及法律纠纷由您自行协商解决,本平台(本网站)对此不承担任何责任。您在本网页可以浏览【东莞,深圳圆形点胶机厂家直销 节能灯点胶机 DC-1点胶机 LED球泡点胶】有关的信息/图片/价格等及提供【东莞,深圳圆形点胶机厂家直销 节能灯点胶机 DC-1点胶机 LED球泡点胶】的商家公司简介、联系方式等信息。