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Titanium dioxide is a white solid or powder with excellent whiteness and gloss. Titanium dioxide hardly reacts with water, organic acids (such as fatty acids, alkyd acids, etc.) and weak inorganic acids (such as dilute sulfuric acid, dilute hydrochloric acid, etc.) at room temperature, and is not soluble in these solvents. Strong hiding power, high achromatic power, good gloss and no physiological toxicity.
本网页所展示的有关【钛白粉】的信息/图片/参数等由的会员【河南琅瑞化工有限公司】提供,由福步贸易网会员【河南琅瑞化工有限公司 】自行对信息/图片/参数等的真实性、准确性和合法性负责,本平台(本网站)仅提供展示服务,请谨慎交易,因交易而产生的法律关系及法律纠纷由您自行协商解决,本平台(本网站)对此不承担任何责任。您在本网页可以浏览【钛白粉】有关的信息/图片/价格等及提供【钛白粉】的商家公司简介、联系方式等信息。